Gitanyow’s Sustainable Wild Sockeye Salmon On Global News

Sep 1, 2024 | Fisheries

Wild BC Salmon is a treat for the senses!

Chef Robert Clark & Chef Julian Bond prepare Gitanyow’s sustainable sockeye from the Meziadin watershed with kelp-infused butter, pickled cucumbers, and mustard seed sauce on Global News Morning BC.

August 28th marked the third anniversary of the Wilp Wii Litsxw Meziadin Indigenous Protected Area, a landmark in our commitment to safeguarding our territory and salmon.

Established in 2021, this protected area spans over 50,000 hectares of critical spawning habitat for Nass River sockeye, coho, and spring/chinook salmon.

For three years, the Gitanyow Hereditary Chiefs have ensured that the Meziadin watershed remains a sanctuary for these vital species, securing Gitanyow’s food sources and cultural heritage for future generations.

This year, we’ve seen over 300,000 sockeye returning to spawn—an encouraging sign of the success of our conservation efforts.

This achievement is rooted in our responsibility to uphold Gitanyow Ayookxw (laws) and to protect our Lax’yip against external threats.

Click here to see the video and for the delicious recipe.